1) Go to acsl.raiseexamscores.com  and  use the link in the upper right, student Login.

Acsl Home

2) You will then be prompted to create an account, or log on to your existing account:

Acsl login

4. ENROLL in the course you'd like:

courses acsl

5. Place the order:

Place order

6. Have at it!!!

acsl heading

7. Here is what a typical question looks like:

Acsl question style

8. Students can add their comments or feedback in the space provided. 

Acsl students

ACSL Raiseexamscores is a valuable learning platform for students who are interested in improving their computer science and programming skills. By accessing the previous years of ACSL Contests, students can gain a deeper understanding of the types of questions and the format of these competitions. This can help them to prepare better and perform well in the future.

The enrollment process for ACSL Raiseexamscores is simple and easy to follow. Students first need to register on the platform and then subscribe to the desired courses. The subscription for each course is valid for nine months, providing students with ample time to access and review the material.

One of the significant advantages of using ACSL Raiseexamscores is that technical support is readily available. Students can seek help from RaiseExamScores support to resolve any queries or technical difficulties they may encounter while using the platform.

Moreover, by using ACSL Raiseexamscores, students can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They can practice and hone their programming skills by solving the coding problems provided on the platform. This can be an excellent way for students to prepare for computer science and programming competitions and improve their academic and professional prospects in the future.

In summary, ACSL Raiseexamscores is a valuable resource for students to improve their computer science and programming skills. By following the steps mentioned above, students can easily enroll and access the previous year's test materials, which can help them achieve their academic and career goals.